Son of Cyril George Knight and Eileen Knight born in Bowen, Queensland, 1958 . Married to Helma Munasque Knight 2 years my younger a Woman from Mindanao Philippines for lots of years forever is never to be counted. Our children Helena-Marie and Marcus-James are out living and working earning and living their lives one can't be any more happy than that.

Photograph of us of my at my son's Seniors graduation, my Daughter Helena -Marie is far right. I seem to succeeded a lot better than some of the children and young adults of my teenage years that is much a positive. They were given a bring up without any indoctrination of any religion just love adventure and some fun. religion is their decision at the time when they are ever interested. I tried to take them on some journeys bush wise when they were growing up like I had but one has been disabled most of their lives so opportunities have been lost and some gained.
One felt the need to foster a love of the wilderness and nature in them with some journeys camping and bush looking at rocks and nature, journeys were of all importance. We did some good time fishing Port Alma and lots of trips to the beaches Yeppoon Emu park way Keppel sands they would swim while I fished the creek the other side and once a long trip around down to Quilpie opal fields, and some good camping trips out along the Fitzroy river. One has always been interested in exploring and questioning everything in nature with a love of rocks inherited from ones Grandfather and Father. And a collection in all things old from my Grandmother dedication to get things right and achieve something in life from my Mother a successful Nurse, Sister matron at the Bowen Hospital.
My mother when I was a child in primary school she did have to send me to Townsville once at age of five for a couple weeks to have a painful operation I remember waking up in the middle of doctors with scalpels in my left eye they had to tightened the muscles up to stop me walking into things all the time.But the first injection to put me to sleep didn't work so I got laughing gas and woke up while they were cutting my eye so more gas was given latter had the biggest headache for hours must have cried for hours alone in the recovery room from the experience .
The hospital stay after was such a sad time with lots of strangers that I didn't know was glad to see my mum wow what a dump and she had to pay for that at that time that was rather ridiculous.
My Mother gave me a strong heart and a sense of justice and compassion for others illness and misery in their lives.
When I was a teen we used to discuss lot of the really important issues that were happening in the World there was so much poverty in Africa and Vietnam war was going on.
Our house was then at a low part of town that used to flood a lot into a swamp across the road that had numerous creatures from massive brown snakes that chased my sister Claire and I, a horse that bit, lot of tortoises, some fish and eels we used to catch and eat. Due to poverty situation with my family having our house blown away not long after one was born which put my Parents in much debt building a new house with paying the Government Housing Commission back on a loan for rebuilding the second hose as the first got blown away after I was born my parents had to live with my grandparents it was one of the only few houses left standing My father told me they tied it down with ropes during the storm. The whole world was just one big play yard as far as one could walk, there very few toys as a child so one found interest and amusement in the smallest things in nature or creating sculptures out of scrap wire my grandfather collected.
The environment was hardly polluted or pillaged by people as many places my Father and Grandparents took us as children was still much pristine scrub lands near rocky beach area's.
My grandfather and father were very much rock collectors and show us children places where to find the best of gems and even some gold at time's. This fostered an environment for the collection of semi-precious gems mainly different types of agate's one was bored with sitting round a camp all day waiting for the tide to change or my Dad and Grandfather to return from their crabbing trips among the mangroves. My father was for a while an artist and did some nice paintings but he just put them in the up in this cupboard and we never got to see them he was much skilled in net making boat building could play nearly all music instruments would play a lot of guitar in the hotels in Bowen and never pay for a beer could sing really good also and later in life carved shells and cut gemstones. I might have got some of his art abilities could sing for a while as a child in School competitions but my voice broke early.
Recent picture of our house in Bowen when we owed it there was only roses across the front and mango tree's and lily pilly trees up the left side with bamboo at the back was only a small house for a family of six the patio had been turned into bedrooms but seem fine for us at the time. dad had a forge for making fishing spears and built boats in the back yard where we had a chook pen and a vege garden.
My Grandfather place was a journey in its own on weekends he had a gold stamper machine in the back yard and beside it was a forge and old shed with every sort of nut and bolt, steel items to keep his machine running, ah the paints!one had an awesome time. There were lot of paints for the boats that Grand Dad and my Father used to build some were enormous bond wood structures 14 feet long was an ordinary size, all these elements were available for us as children to play and create everything from small artworks to sculptures took the place of the need to have toys.

My grandfather and father with a tiger shark they caught when I went fishing with them down the Camp in the bush.
I used to have a old fold out type camera which I had been given to as a present out of my Grandmother's antique collection I remember doing a few sets of photos with it before the salt seized parts of it just wasn't meant for bush and ocean work. Books were an important part of passing time as one has never known Television around the house till one was in grade eight.
I was a big fan of Adventure books and had a small treasured collection of Gerald Durrell's books about his world and other animal's. There was always spare time when one with my Sisters or other children in the neighbourhood would go on Adventures sometimes around the Hills or the mangrove swamps and old rifle range in Bowen used to collect antique copper items and returnable bottles for spare cash.
Cash was an incentive so early in life one had a small vegetable garden from which one sold lettuce for 30c back then one need money to buy books. Books were an ideal escapism from the reality of people giving one the four eye's abuse must admit the glass's were ridiculous but not enough to throw rocks at.
On my way home from primary school I used to walk up over the hill the hospital was on to sometimes way a while to walk with my mother home from working as a Nurse, while waiting one was fascinated with the Hospital's glass dump of injection bottles and test tubes etc had created my own chemistry set with item and household chemicals. One used to see Chemistry sets sold in the shops getting one haircut was such a thing done with too much frequency in those day was ridiculous and the old hand worked shears the barber Mr Webster used were murder. It gave me the freedom to read magazine and Phantom comics for free and a chance to window shop the toy store microscopes and chemistry sets the main interest and knew one would never have the money to afford though I got a microscope when I was in grade 7 that was the most awesome gift ever then.
I used to keep records of my experiments and journeys, had maps drawn of the places journeyed but nothing was kept for very long it was always lost in the planning to move on to another adventure.
One was a big believer in other possible dimensions and different periods of time and History even at a young age most likely born from listening may late night Stories on the radio as television was not affordable in our house till I was in grade 8. One was a fan of radio adventure school was a hopeless cause I might have got good marks but they would have been much better if one had not had to put up with so much abuse from other students over the fact that
I wore glasses one was always hit in the head and it was cracked dozens of time. One remembers more of his time having it stitched up then one does any of one school lesson's much but one can never forget trauma not even today as one grows older all the deep dents ache very much at times. A time of trauma one can remember really well was in grade one when I had missed the first week of school from getting head cracked on going to my first school class.
The once Bowen Catholic primary for one two and three back when I was a lad and my Dad would turn up in this wooden truck a Whippet with wooden spoked wheels every once in awhile to go home..
One did question the Nun in charge and say that one plus one could equal something different than two in another world in time one was quickly given the cane a couple of time for thinking like that.
Nowadays one might be treated a lot different as there could be some truth in the fact there is other dimensions and time which are not inherently all like the present earth value. The Nuns were cruel teachers one got abused and the cuts from the cane for free thinking.
High school was Bowen state High it was only a battle on the lunchtime field of the day from bullies in the class. above shoving hand full of prickles in your pants and roll you in the bloody things class time was fine one got good grades and a bursary. It was amazing one of the bullies followed me around towns later in life that was scary. My father used to take me on adventures on the weekends,from crabbing taking only billy and tea and tea and some homemade bread by dinner time we had more fish and crabs one could eat, we spent lots of the time fishing trawling for mackerel or fishing on some reef areas he knew in this old fishing launch with a thump thump single cylinder diesel engine. When the season for fishing wasn't good we were digging crystals, walking to a mountain of volcanic glass, we dug garnets up near Gumlu where I was later to live in railway camp bondwood huts for some weeks working in the railway bridge gangs after college. I spent my holidays from college working as a nipper in a bridge gang down near Proserpine it was glad relief from the Mt Carmel College abuse situation.
The cassette player and cassettes I bought for college with the cash got stolen a few weeks after being there and when one reported it to the dorm brother I was the evilest student in the 30 bed dormitory. One would go study late into the night to escape the spit being thrown on ones bed covers trying to get to sleep a lot of nights. Mt Carmel College I could blame my early heavy smoking on one never smoke before going there and when I left after two years one was a drum packet a week smoker it took me many years later to give the habit up . One had become an introvert after the college experience it just made me see there was all types of evil out here in the world some it so petty children that never grow up. But one was really lucky in some sorts of ways to the bully type people I had net because I got to experience life they had not some at the college were long term boarders been there for years their parents didn't want them at all.

My father had some wild looking trucks when I was a in primary school most could go bush real easy for fishing and prospecting he did have a habit of catching these enormous snake the were put in the ceiling of the hose to eat the sparrows out .
My Father knew all the cool place to find things made my teenage and early years the most interesting anyone could wish for
I thought it was awesome as first job as trainee bridge carpenter got experience with Adze's and other tools in the gang with my father and some of the cool old dude he knew. It was a cool experience despite sometimes the hardships to go to work and live with wood stove, kero fridge and kero pressure light situation for book reading in the hut along the tracks out in the never never, we could go explore bush and go fishing in the afternoons.
One got strong from drinking all the Sustragen and weight lifting at college one had to do that to beat back the bullies at their bashing games. Lifting and throwing around lumps of wood some forty kilos a couple meters long while balanced on another was easy work after a bit of practise.
Even today ones free thinking isn't taken seriously by everyone one might have some awesome figures in social media circles but the one that I really need is the Geologist or paleontologist that will come out of their cupboards of ignorance and support my theories which I am sure are correct. Seeing one could be waiting till the day they are throwing dirt on the roof of the wooden box
I have found it important to leave some sort of explanation for the items especially the fossil's I will probably leave behind in my Museum for my children. One can't just leave behind a cluttered unexplainable mess, anyway the research process has taught me some things I never knew about Evolution and Life. I studied Agriculture and animal Husbandry in state High school and excelled in that area It was Biology orientated with classifying species of insect and animals. One had a choice of the metal work / wood work, tech drawing, direction which was the most popular but due to my struggle with eyesight, the glasses weren't always the perfect healing of the not being able to see aliment. It was the wisest choice as later I studied Biology in Grade 11 and 12 and got 4, 5 and 6 out of 7 the top score. The history Teacher was a lay teacher to the cool old dude Mr Watts he used to drift off into telling us stories of his time he spent in the middle east . The Science teacher also a lay teacher at the Brothers boarding school was a awesome dude Mr Blick he was a bit 60's hippy with a small type of permaculture farm. he was inspiration for self sufficiency ie ideas that got me lots of important contacts later in life when I run my nursery business. Knowledge is everything but whether you have one of these degrees items seems the important criteria in life one never got much of a chance of University education as when I left school from Mt Carmel College one parents had to be rich to pay for one to attend University back in those days. It was we made the country broke again Conservative style of Government they never care the poverty in society so it was of to manual work to go. Ignorance of Governments in the supply of assets the Country's Youths Education is a downfall of Society. Eventually one is working so much there is not much time for structured education by any facilities and pressures of life bills brings stress, gains that could have been made in Personal and overall society's progress are all tossed aside. It is a bit like Politicians do to us these day except they don't work.
My Grandmother had a house of collections she probably had the most influence on me with my collecting antiques, my Father never got to inherit anything because of alcoholism with my Uncle. My uncle I found out later had lots of person issues with his life that drove him to such a helpless situation there was no help really back those days from too many people my Father tried to help him best he could but one day we were told uncle Jack who had been sober for a week never woke up from his afternoon nap . that was shock to the system we had to bury uncle Jack
He sold the lot for the taste of the spirit so I was determined to have a nice collection of stuff and keep away from alcohol though for a while at the age of 20 I was living with a woman Lynette Little we got married after a year. The garden wedding was funny, an Italian friend Peter Gravino stepped out of the crowd as I was going to put the ring on her, he was the stabbed victim of my Lynette ,. He shouted don't do it Marc it will the biggest mistake you will ever make, Then she signed the wrong line on the certificate
I just don't remember stuff especially anything to do with trauma , my first wife was a small pretty like a doll but if I come home late from working overtime in the sugar season booking wagons in the railway goods office I was playing up with a married woman who worked there. This woman Robyn used 2 bring me cakes at work because I looked sickly and thin, but she was married i never flirted with her even, My wife threw everything from knives, large plates bottles anything she could grab, but I never yelled or hit, her mother told me she was unstable, She as on some medication for psychoprenia. I said it was okay she will grow out of it, well she had a miscarriage I wasn't told about & a couple months later I come home and the van was MT she sold everything to the people in the park who talked her into leaving and disappeared,.
A couple yrs later she rang me wanting money for a flat for south, she had left the dude she had moved in with after leaving me, well I sent her money for a yr, i wanted a couch to sleep on my way to Brisbane to sell sapphires I had dig and had cut, well all was cool I had couch. Well it was 2 am in the morning and she turned on all the lights and started vacuuming the house. I had a pet cat i had to put in it's box and pack up and leave and drive to Brisbane, I lost my cat in a suburb down there I had to pullup & rest only hard from her once more asking money/ to move flat's once more, Well I sent her a 1500 so she could move again and that is sort of end of story. I was always good friends with her Mother yrs after that she used to have me bring my laundry, had to go and pick it up and have a chat for hrs, but Lynnette got no idea and just don't want to know Met the Guy who she moved in with after she left me a year after she left him he was pleased she left , he said she was crazy, One thing she used to take revenge on people, she accused the neighbour of killing our cat that disappeared he had an aluminium boat worth a mint she went out at night & filled the bottom full of holes with her special sewing scissors & stabbed one of my friends, not bad luckily..
She left sold the caravans collection to buy a ticket and nobody bother to look for her for a week. One didn't find out till years later she had a miscarriage and doctor gave here there serapac medicine she used eat to many, like lollies and make her angry and throw things at people not handy at all, after a marriage break up I used to go on a binge for some stupid reason or depressive state but lucky I used to realise my failings and go cold turkey and rid the body of such evil stuff. Going bush and nature finding gems and fossils was a good distraction.
Eventually I got out of the railway office and completed with training journeys in Brisbane an electrical linesman training course with the CEB organisation in Emerald it was an awesome job one did get a few minor shocks electrical wise but lived through the lot heart stronger than before.
One realised when he was lineman going through another man's disturbed dirt was sometimes a profitable business especially when lucky to work the Gem fields but even road cuttings were good exposure points and the tide wand erosion after rain were all time and places to be exploited for the ease of finding good fossils or other rocks and minerals. The gemfields was a great adventure got taken out there first by a good friend Stanley Wilson I met while working the Court House in Mackay he was like a brother to me we journeyed into the bush looking at old gold mines and a few sapphire mines. Though much like me wasn't impressed in digging lots of dirt for the chance to find a rock would rather go around first thing after rain and find stones which he was good at found forty carat blue green stone one day I couldn't raise the money to buy of him before some other friend did but lucky so I hadn't as most of my gemstone collections were stolen just getting them out of the bank's safe one night after was supposed to show to a buyer that never turned up after he had left this world, he was just a person who wanted to live in a shack up the hills and eat wild food.

The old car when I lived in Emerald caravan park Stanley and I built this out of other wrecks and give it a coat of enamel was awesome for the dirt road areas of the railway sidings where he had a job when first moving there. A random memory for the railway camp evenings Stan and I went from Emerald out to his friends hut he was working in the gang previously with this man whose wife was Nice and friendly to most people but some thought of her as a witch, well we went to a séance out in the bush with this witch lady and some others just cards on a table swearing the glass wiped them of in fury put out the lantern a couple times and there was no wind only in the lantern, so many voices< over the other side, I was working as a clerk in the railway had been a clerk in the railway after being a bridge gang worker then a clerk in the Magistrates Court offices Mackay then moved out west to be a clerk in Emerald Railway offices.
One realised when he was lineman going through another man's disturbed dirt was sometimes a profitable business especially when lucky to work the Gem fields but even road cuttings were good exposure points and the tide wand erosion after rain were all time and places to be exploited for the ease of finding good fossils or other rocks and minerals. The gemfields was a great adventure got taken out there first by a good friend Stanley Wilson I met while working the Court House in Mackay he was like a brother to me we journeyed into the bush looking at old gold mines and a few sapphire mines. Though much like me wasn't impressed in digging lots of dirt for the chance to find a rock would rather go around first thing after rain and find stones which he was good at found forty carat blue green stone one day I couldn't raise the money to buy of him before some other friend did but lucky so I hadn't as most of my gemstone collections were stolen just getting them out of the bank's safe one night after was supposed to show to a buyer that never turned up after he had left this world, he was just a person who wanted to live in a shack up the hills and eat wild food.

The old car when I lived in Emerald caravan park Stanley and I built this out of other wrecks and give it a coat of enamel was awesome for the dirt road areas of the railway sidings where he had a job when first moving there. A random memory for the railway camp evenings Stan and I went from Emerald out to his friends hut he was working in the gang previously with this man whose wife was Nice and friendly to most people but some thought of her as a witch, well we went to a séance out in the bush with this witch lady and some others just cards on a table swearing the glass wiped them of in fury put out the lantern a couple times and there was no wind only in the lantern, so many voices< over the other side, I was working as a clerk in the railway had been a clerk in the railway after being a bridge gang worker then a clerk in the Magistrates Court offices Mackay then moved out west to be a clerk in Emerald Railway offices.
I was good at bookwork and ledgers ticket office work and spent weekends roaming the gemfield with friend Stan looking for Sapphire mostly in the rivers where it was cool.
Then one day his brother came to town and told me some of the young people who he had been helping shot him. That was good reason never to like guns ever again weather the killing was deliberate of accident it doesn't matter the weapon was used to take a life.
Leaving the safety zone of the Electricity board because it gave me enough money to invest in property was probably not the best decision but they were eventually going to get rid of and replace with contracts. The railway Lineman's weren't all well trained it was always dodging possible accident till there was one I didn't.
Before this accident one was always fit and and earned good money working could afford read any scientific magazine and this time one had started the small room full of books one calls his library today. With Books came business ideas the Tree Nursery on my property as side Business part of my Permaculture interest and one need books to classify all the plants and find more that were easy and to grow and saleable trees or shrubs. For a while a small essential oil and soap making industry flourished. One had some idea after reading such books like State of the World that one need to contribute some tree's to the system and always dreamt of that million number though one only used to turnover in a good year up to ten thousand.
Later got into the seed collecting by the kilo which lasted a couple of years before the main dealer failed in some payment of 1000 dollars. Then the Government bought in laws to pay bigger fee's on some plants with expensive environmental impact surveys one had to carry out made it just to impossible for the little man to do.
The major trauma in my life was really when I was sent to Gladstone to work as Linesman for a day 15 January 1992 by the L/H Col who I was supposed to go call out with well he didn't like my four eye situation either so was exiled to work with nobodies whose L/H Mick was not much better ripped me of a 35 foot mast without warning from a few miles away.
One suffered 3 crushed vertebra in upper back one broken in lower back and both hips broke one way or another a severely compound fractured left elbow. One never had the life flash before one eye's business before going to die it was a long way down from that height and all one could think of was not being home to see my child or not being around to see my wife and other family anymore, there was no bright lights on impact but just a peaceful darkness that one was aware of , there was a brief dream it didn't do me any damage and I got up and carried on with life but conscious bought realisation that all was not good and looking at one arm bought the first feeling of the hey this is severe pain.
This major event in time if not had happened then none of the fossil's would have been found one would have been still in the Queensland Railway network one spent many years as a Linesman and like the challenge it gave. I didn't want to lay around taking antidepressants that were sometime making me sicker and codeine based painkiller just made me severely ill. the forever changing of the different types of antidepressants one was virtually ordered to take was completely crazy and later related to lots of lower stomach bleeding.
I can relate to the Serapac reaction with my first Wife in being personality changers as the doctor had me on them for a while during my mediation conference time of my rail accident when even the railway union solicitor I had didn't want to support me by taking my case to court and one did take an some 60 Valium with a bottle of rum that is not something a normal reasoning person would do there was a sense of the loss of all hope. One has got away with so many near death experiences even my sister used to say as a teenager I was a cat running out of lives' . There was just way too many time when others had concussed me into the darkness of unconscious one should be as punch drunk as a politician . The medication one was fed after the Railway accident really changed ones personality all the time it was such a unsettled period of life. One was talked into taking the family to the Philippines to live the bottom island where my wife come from before the Internet days well the children got sick that much the medical bills were eating away at our cash I made the decision to come back to Australia after only 12 months in fear of being financially stranded like some other Aussies I met there were.
But in that 12 months one had affected so many people's lives and some badly one thinks the young solid built strong Annas and wife Juliet were struggling peasants had to syphon their water from a broken pipe at certain times of the day looked so sad to me so one got them a fibreglass tank to store water and restocked their store a couple times to help them along but his wife made Annas work so much to pay back anything one did he ended up taking a heart attack moving some wheelbarrows of sand for me. I had been trained in CPR with my lineman training and thought I was going to get him as for a while thought I felt a pulse even if it was faint, then his family come and thought I was doing him harm so dragged me away by the time I explained the light went out in his eyes holding him but he did smile maybe just the muscles relaxing but guess he was in peace with no more shouting from Juliet to do this do that. One had to finance his Wake for a week and purchase a block of land to help his wife financially it was the least one could do to help the loss a bit.
The piece of land and Juliet's pet pig Juliet use to sit all day making plated roof mats for the houses she owned the land behind the house where we live which was swap with Nipa that Annas was always sent to go harvest fronds even in the heat of the day but sing along he used to chop a lot to keep her busy the money she made was invest in items like beer and treats that were sold to the workers of the soap factory down the road.
One has since tried to be a lazy archaeologist seeing digging things constantly no good any more for back though some swinging of pick digging crystals seemed to straighten the back out some for a little while dust is always a turnoff. One learnt to go do that sort of work in the rain sometime one can put up with the rain only in summertime now though. One has dug a lot of bottle dumps and other dumps around Mt Morgan one sulphur and ash it was only a rain or cool off after noon place to dig for a period of time when the itch of air of the rubbish stopped one truly a toxic place.
It I blame the toxic chemicals there on my Buffy dog's bad mastitis as she use to abort the pups after going there just waiting for me near the rubbish. It is a burden on her one doesn't have the funds to take her any veterinary treatment one has been waiting for an Angel but they are overburdened with work elsewhere in the world.
I am not the sort of person that things should be begged for and the world has so many more important priorities like children starving that need so much help one just have to believe there is a God out there but he is so way to busy with trying to counteract man's destruction. One still believes there is some power in Prayer even if it is just to calm the spirit into some harmony with the outer universal power of God he has given me so many awesome things from the past, times spent alone in the mining practise is beneficial prayer and meditation wise a good distraction nowadays from the pains of broken bone growing nodes of their own.
Spooky the cat my sons pet well my cat seeing I have bought him back to life a few times from people shooting him, now sort of blind in both eyes he will like his bit of electric blanket in winter and has got used to me having to get up all night to bend the body preventing some sort of seizure and cramps. My wife claims I am trying to make my pets live forever seeing all their related offspring are all gone to the pet heaven .
The never ending trauma condition my body wakes up with each morning from my accident bought a need to escape from reality of constant pain conventional painkillers just made me sick with ulcers. Going bush proved to give me exercise and the time to look at other things of nature in life helps one forget the trials and difficulties for a while there was the need for fresh food and exercise to keep fit to stop the body dying faster lead to some awesome sometimes difficult journeys and fossil discoveries that not many other people have achieved .
One has had some luck in finding awesome items one has the long sighted eyes that can spot defects in nature from a distance and now with a broken back permanent scoliosis of the spine has the eye's more to scanning the ground when there is no birds to observe in the sky. The scoliosis of my back has put a permanent curve in my spine which make it difficult at time to keep my neck straight and head up there is some growth on my neck that also is a hindrance in a way but not in another as the constant looking down leaves one nothing else but to scan it for whatever is in taking.
There has been these voices at times to get and go from the journeys to the fossil beds of Port Alma when I have found the most awesome of items. a couple time It was a voice that made me walk just another 100 yards of mud and gravel to find the artifact knife and the second vertebra.
One has been sick at numerous of these times but one was determined to do the distance sometime when resting from stress or I made myself just walk that extra few yards mud to find good things catch a feed of crabs and be back home as planned. finding the Placoderm plate was one of those time one had stopped to rest on the edge of nearly fainting from exhaustion because the mud nowadays is so fine from the sea level rising erosion of the flats. One had the thought of finding the ancient fish part as he was looking at the ground and the shape appeared out of the muddiest spot ever seeing the pattern amongst the mud made the body much better, that I called thinking it into existence.
One always had a companion with Buffy the dog to go with on the Journeys she has been a faithful companion and now she has been burdened with age and a mastitis problem I am totally at a lost to travel alone a Doctor without a companion is lonely situation and the burden of the mud now since the wild erosion be it rise of sea levels or just change in currents has made the environment down there much more difficult with one injuries.
One does always dream of that next summer when one is healthy for just one more trip into the wilderness even if it is alone. There is never the thought off, crap the car might break down, one might have difficulties in getting back home, eventually one will toss those worries to the wind of determination and escape to the prehistoric time one needs to dream.
Meantime one has got his Art to sometime give time of discovery and distraction but art only seems to stream when there was somewhat less worries than the present economic situation good paints so awful expensive and my sister have sent me good paints and brush when they were doing good with business, those times have seemed to have passed with our recent war monger Government who have got no idea what they are doing to people. One did need art for my book probably painted some of its art before the book idea came feasible but there was always the dream in the subconscious to write a book to spread some of the knowledge one has collected.
Art nowadays is being destroyed in its acronym of abstract due to imbalances in the Political and Economical outlook. One needed to be happy in the sense he could afford to travel and explore a bit but due to the economic outlook and it's influence on worry in the health sense pain times can increase from the stress one did get some physio when the other government was in power that help my body movement and pain situation a lot but we are back in the stone age it seems. Sleep deprivation is now one of the art killing situations cold weather is hard on the body.
One might be the only one happy to be give the gift of global warming to make the winters less severe and the osteoarthritis pain a bit less cold winter one has situations where the body has thought it has some cancer situation and given me all the symptoms and the look of being on death's door. A lot of friends one has met most being husbands of my wife's friends have died some from old age and some from cancer since one has been back in Australia so one has kept up the history of losing people.
Even my Daughter Helena always commented we were always attending so many funerals never something happy like a marriage. But one will live a long painful life just to spite those that said you shouldn't be alive with so much damage The doctor said to me you probably won't walk after the accident you know I said don't tell me that I will prove you wrong, so things could be better again by summer one will always try and stay a bit fit to attempt any task when one gets the weird urge to just go drive to go walkabout.
There is so much that has happened my life that book could go on nearly forever, time has had so many dimensions and experiences.
A friend the other day said to me you got your retirement all planned from your stamps fossils, bottle collections, neem leaf business and small nursery always something of interest all in one spot he said I get out and look at an empty beer carton in the morning and feeling totally depressed. And my neighbour is complaining about boredom due to not having any money got no hobbies. That helps one feel a lot better this week at least.
Take care of each other out there and meditate and pray a bit more often to strengthen the resolve to look after the people and the environment or else you are going to burn one way or another. Hope my book is an educational resource, I tried to put some proper ancient Aboriginal Dreamtime Spirit somewhere among the stories I could find from ancient times. Ciao.
Parts of my small Museum collection Chenery St Mt Morgan
open by appointment,
Then one day his brother came to town and told me some of the young people who he had been helping shot him. That was good reason never to like guns ever again weather the killing was deliberate of accident it doesn't matter the weapon was used to take a life.
Leaving the safety zone of the Electricity board because it gave me enough money to invest in property was probably not the best decision but they were eventually going to get rid of and replace with contracts. The railway Lineman's weren't all well trained it was always dodging possible accident till there was one I didn't.
Before this accident one was always fit and and earned good money working could afford read any scientific magazine and this time one had started the small room full of books one calls his library today. With Books came business ideas the Tree Nursery on my property as side Business part of my Permaculture interest and one need books to classify all the plants and find more that were easy and to grow and saleable trees or shrubs. For a while a small essential oil and soap making industry flourished. One had some idea after reading such books like State of the World that one need to contribute some tree's to the system and always dreamt of that million number though one only used to turnover in a good year up to ten thousand.
Later got into the seed collecting by the kilo which lasted a couple of years before the main dealer failed in some payment of 1000 dollars. Then the Government bought in laws to pay bigger fee's on some plants with expensive environmental impact surveys one had to carry out made it just to impossible for the little man to do.
The major trauma in my life was really when I was sent to Gladstone to work as Linesman for a day 15 January 1992 by the L/H Col who I was supposed to go call out with well he didn't like my four eye situation either so was exiled to work with nobodies whose L/H Mick was not much better ripped me of a 35 foot mast without warning from a few miles away.
One suffered 3 crushed vertebra in upper back one broken in lower back and both hips broke one way or another a severely compound fractured left elbow. One never had the life flash before one eye's business before going to die it was a long way down from that height and all one could think of was not being home to see my child or not being around to see my wife and other family anymore, there was no bright lights on impact but just a peaceful darkness that one was aware of , there was a brief dream it didn't do me any damage and I got up and carried on with life but conscious bought realisation that all was not good and looking at one arm bought the first feeling of the hey this is severe pain.
This major event in time if not had happened then none of the fossil's would have been found one would have been still in the Queensland Railway network one spent many years as a Linesman and like the challenge it gave. I didn't want to lay around taking antidepressants that were sometime making me sicker and codeine based painkiller just made me severely ill. the forever changing of the different types of antidepressants one was virtually ordered to take was completely crazy and later related to lots of lower stomach bleeding.
I can relate to the Serapac reaction with my first Wife in being personality changers as the doctor had me on them for a while during my mediation conference time of my rail accident when even the railway union solicitor I had didn't want to support me by taking my case to court and one did take an some 60 Valium with a bottle of rum that is not something a normal reasoning person would do there was a sense of the loss of all hope. One has got away with so many near death experiences even my sister used to say as a teenager I was a cat running out of lives' . There was just way too many time when others had concussed me into the darkness of unconscious one should be as punch drunk as a politician . The medication one was fed after the Railway accident really changed ones personality all the time it was such a unsettled period of life. One was talked into taking the family to the Philippines to live the bottom island where my wife come from before the Internet days well the children got sick that much the medical bills were eating away at our cash I made the decision to come back to Australia after only 12 months in fear of being financially stranded like some other Aussies I met there were.
But in that 12 months one had affected so many people's lives and some badly one thinks the young solid built strong Annas and wife Juliet were struggling peasants had to syphon their water from a broken pipe at certain times of the day looked so sad to me so one got them a fibreglass tank to store water and restocked their store a couple times to help them along but his wife made Annas work so much to pay back anything one did he ended up taking a heart attack moving some wheelbarrows of sand for me. I had been trained in CPR with my lineman training and thought I was going to get him as for a while thought I felt a pulse even if it was faint, then his family come and thought I was doing him harm so dragged me away by the time I explained the light went out in his eyes holding him but he did smile maybe just the muscles relaxing but guess he was in peace with no more shouting from Juliet to do this do that. One had to finance his Wake for a week and purchase a block of land to help his wife financially it was the least one could do to help the loss a bit.

It I blame the toxic chemicals there on my Buffy dog's bad mastitis as she use to abort the pups after going there just waiting for me near the rubbish. It is a burden on her one doesn't have the funds to take her any veterinary treatment one has been waiting for an Angel but they are overburdened with work elsewhere in the world.
I am not the sort of person that things should be begged for and the world has so many more important priorities like children starving that need so much help one just have to believe there is a God out there but he is so way to busy with trying to counteract man's destruction. One still believes there is some power in Prayer even if it is just to calm the spirit into some harmony with the outer universal power of God he has given me so many awesome things from the past, times spent alone in the mining practise is beneficial prayer and meditation wise a good distraction nowadays from the pains of broken bone growing nodes of their own.
Spooky the cat my sons pet well my cat seeing I have bought him back to life a few times from people shooting him, now sort of blind in both eyes he will like his bit of electric blanket in winter and has got used to me having to get up all night to bend the body preventing some sort of seizure and cramps. My wife claims I am trying to make my pets live forever seeing all their related offspring are all gone to the pet heaven .
The never ending trauma condition my body wakes up with each morning from my accident bought a need to escape from reality of constant pain conventional painkillers just made me sick with ulcers. Going bush proved to give me exercise and the time to look at other things of nature in life helps one forget the trials and difficulties for a while there was the need for fresh food and exercise to keep fit to stop the body dying faster lead to some awesome sometimes difficult journeys and fossil discoveries that not many other people have achieved .
One has had some luck in finding awesome items one has the long sighted eyes that can spot defects in nature from a distance and now with a broken back permanent scoliosis of the spine has the eye's more to scanning the ground when there is no birds to observe in the sky. The scoliosis of my back has put a permanent curve in my spine which make it difficult at time to keep my neck straight and head up there is some growth on my neck that also is a hindrance in a way but not in another as the constant looking down leaves one nothing else but to scan it for whatever is in taking.
There has been these voices at times to get and go from the journeys to the fossil beds of Port Alma when I have found the most awesome of items. a couple time It was a voice that made me walk just another 100 yards of mud and gravel to find the artifact knife and the second vertebra.
One has been sick at numerous of these times but one was determined to do the distance sometime when resting from stress or I made myself just walk that extra few yards mud to find good things catch a feed of crabs and be back home as planned. finding the Placoderm plate was one of those time one had stopped to rest on the edge of nearly fainting from exhaustion because the mud nowadays is so fine from the sea level rising erosion of the flats. One had the thought of finding the ancient fish part as he was looking at the ground and the shape appeared out of the muddiest spot ever seeing the pattern amongst the mud made the body much better, that I called thinking it into existence.
One always had a companion with Buffy the dog to go with on the Journeys she has been a faithful companion and now she has been burdened with age and a mastitis problem I am totally at a lost to travel alone a Doctor without a companion is lonely situation and the burden of the mud now since the wild erosion be it rise of sea levels or just change in currents has made the environment down there much more difficult with one injuries.
One does always dream of that next summer when one is healthy for just one more trip into the wilderness even if it is alone. There is never the thought off, crap the car might break down, one might have difficulties in getting back home, eventually one will toss those worries to the wind of determination and escape to the prehistoric time one needs to dream.
Meantime one has got his Art to sometime give time of discovery and distraction but art only seems to stream when there was somewhat less worries than the present economic situation good paints so awful expensive and my sister have sent me good paints and brush when they were doing good with business, those times have seemed to have passed with our recent war monger Government who have got no idea what they are doing to people. One did need art for my book probably painted some of its art before the book idea came feasible but there was always the dream in the subconscious to write a book to spread some of the knowledge one has collected.
Art nowadays is being destroyed in its acronym of abstract due to imbalances in the Political and Economical outlook. One needed to be happy in the sense he could afford to travel and explore a bit but due to the economic outlook and it's influence on worry in the health sense pain times can increase from the stress one did get some physio when the other government was in power that help my body movement and pain situation a lot but we are back in the stone age it seems. Sleep deprivation is now one of the art killing situations cold weather is hard on the body.
One might be the only one happy to be give the gift of global warming to make the winters less severe and the osteoarthritis pain a bit less cold winter one has situations where the body has thought it has some cancer situation and given me all the symptoms and the look of being on death's door. A lot of friends one has met most being husbands of my wife's friends have died some from old age and some from cancer since one has been back in Australia so one has kept up the history of losing people.
Even my Daughter Helena always commented we were always attending so many funerals never something happy like a marriage. But one will live a long painful life just to spite those that said you shouldn't be alive with so much damage The doctor said to me you probably won't walk after the accident you know I said don't tell me that I will prove you wrong, so things could be better again by summer one will always try and stay a bit fit to attempt any task when one gets the weird urge to just go drive to go walkabout.
There is so much that has happened my life that book could go on nearly forever, time has had so many dimensions and experiences.
A friend the other day said to me you got your retirement all planned from your stamps fossils, bottle collections, neem leaf business and small nursery always something of interest all in one spot he said I get out and look at an empty beer carton in the morning and feeling totally depressed. And my neighbour is complaining about boredom due to not having any money got no hobbies. That helps one feel a lot better this week at least.
Take care of each other out there and meditate and pray a bit more often to strengthen the resolve to look after the people and the environment or else you are going to burn one way or another. Hope my book is an educational resource, I tried to put some proper ancient Aboriginal Dreamtime Spirit somewhere among the stories I could find from ancient times. Ciao.
Parts of my small Museum collection Chenery St Mt Morgan
open by appointment,